The Nautical Collection of P. C. Laskaridis
Moonlit harbour of Volos
Date: χ.χ.

The harbour of Volos is depicted on a regular night under the dim moonlight. The painter’s interest is focused on outlining human activities in the weak light and on the poetic image of the water element, but also on rendering two contradictory images in the same composition; the silence of the seascape and the noise of human activities.

In the long waterfront area, next to the illuminated buildings, he also depicts a crowd of people. Some are walking casually, some are conversing, some are having fun, some are boarding ships, some are gazing out to sea, some are sitting on the pavement, some are working and some are riding in a carriage.

In the foreground, on the right, porters are depicted carrying cargo on a moored steamship, while a characteristic figure of a gentleman in a suit and hat is observing them. As a side note, art historians speculate that this is a self-portrait reference, but this has not been substantiated. What is certain is that a similar solitary figure is depicted often in Volanakis’ works. Several moored sailboats are in the harbour and another one is further away offshore.

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